25 September 2011

DIGITAL DOSSIER: Your Life on the Net, Part 3

I am still wading through the beginning of my year: new courses, new students, new clubs, new committees...no time to reflect yet. But I find time to nurture and revise my DIGITAL DOSSIER project, even if it may not fit into my classes this year. Though I have not added changes noting the advent of Google+ and the interminable list of Facebook changes, the project still works. It is critical for students to develop critical stance on themselves, not just a critical perspective on what they study. It is our job to facilitate the process. So if you can use this, or want to comment on improvements, have at it. Imagine how much better this unit will be with the input of others. Thanks. Promise to self: I will post soon. I reflect always.


Knighton said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I do want to try this with my tenth graders this year, so I really do appreciate your posting this!

Healigan said...

the project is better every year: no examples, unfortunately, because I promise them that I will delete my copy of them as soon as I take a look. Last piece of the lesson....enjoy

Knighton said...

Are you still using the Wiki that is linked in this post? I havven't taught my 10th grade class in two years, but I am this year, so I wanted to look at your project again. When I click on the link, it says I don't have access to view it. Thanks!

Knighton said...

Okay, I Googled it and found a link to your 2014 version! Thanks for sharing so many wonderful things!