15 March 2011


   Just finished reading my BritLit Romantic poetry tests. I hesitate to call it a test, because really they wrote about Romantic poetry. I am so delighted by what happened. For instance, one of the prompts asked them to choose a poem which exemplified the iconoclastic tendencies of the Romantics and explain their choice. So many chose poems I never would not have chosen, but they really convinced me. What makes me smile the biggest? Almost every single essay showed a strong point of view and followed through. Great unit, great kids: this bodes well for 4th quarter British folklore/myth/legend research essays.
   This year I focused on the link between the poetic devices and the feeling/idea the poet wanted to convey. If we could not connect the strategy to the ultimate purpose, we ignored it. The farther we got, the less they wanted to let a device go: so their poetry illuminations were great, the blog posts were authentic, and they had the tools to argue their personal choices. And they wrote concise, sharp essays. I hope they feel as good as I do about it.


Knighton said...

I hope my kids do as well on their Macbeth essays! I'm glad to hear that you have had great results with what appears to be great kids.

rental elf said...

Nice article, thanks for the information.

rental elf said...

Nice article, thanks for the information.