10 April 2011


Yes, you read that right. I am making my own PechaKucha so I can track the difficulties and process my juniors might have in completing their own PechaKucha-mini projects. At the same time, I am blogging a parallel project that I have assigned my seniors.
This quarter, they are blogging on a topic of their choice, as always, but I have charged them to investigate ONE topic in depth for their 4 required postings. It seemed like a good idea, but I really did not think about what a good series of posts on the same topic might look like. What was the real challenge I was throwing them? Preliminary results have shown that some of them are not really considering the challenge critically, so I had better. I have already posted once on PechaKucha, so my area of interest for my 4 thematically linked blogs this quarter will be presentation.
I have always considered presentation skills as critical for my students: they marry critical thinking with critical expression as efficiently as writing about literature does. Students who do not always succeed at writing often succeed at speaking, so it serves my entire group. This year we did Poetry Out Loud 2nd quarter, a tableau vivant 3rd quarter (Macbeth) and now PechaKucha 4th quarter. Next year, I plan on adding a first quarter preso of some kind.

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