05 April 2011


   I saw a PECHA KUCHA variant at Educon 2.3 this winter and immediately thought of my SAT prep juniors. I am teaching all Honors sections this year, so we have set up SAT prep time a little differently than usual. Since most of them already possess some skill in strategic test-taking, I decided that SSR was a good adjunct to the writing practice that we are now doing. It has been a great year: their blogging is better, their vocabulary is more in tune with the ideas they want to discuss, and their reading of our assigned texts is more regular. They will rock the SAT essay in May. So what to do with all the books they have been reading? PECHA KUCHA!
   Our fourth quarter oral project will require readers to sell the book they liked the most over this year of reading with a 2.5 minute, 10 slide preso for everyone in the class. I will present the project with a PECHA KUCHA of my own, to be completed this weekend. The link to the project plan is below. Wish us luck.

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