27 April 2011


Today was our first day back after Spring Break, so I presented my mini-PechaKucha to my juniors. They will be presenting a book review of their favorite independent reading book this year, and I promised to show them how it is done.  I chose one of my favorite books,Things Fall Apart, since many of them will be reading it next year with me in World Lit.  I edited the traditional PechaKucha structure to fit their age and the time I could allot so close to the end of the year, so they are presenting with 10 slides, 15 seconds per slide.

It went well, and I learned what it takes to do a great timed preso. I practiced my delivery 9 times so that it flowed. With only 15 seconds per slide, I could not waste time flipping through notes.  I chose slides weeks ago, but it was not until my 5th time through that I could judge one of the slides boring. So I changed it last night. I am glad I elected not to include music. It would have distracted me and the audience. Editing, editing, editing: a good review convinces someone else to read the book. I could only include those factors that might convince a reader.

What will they learn from this project? It will provide great practice in decision making, develop editing skills that are sometimes difficult to practice when writing, and further cement the presentation skills we have been talking about all year. I can't wait.


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